Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Come Alive

i now know what story i want to run this time around and i am very very excited!! finally, i know where i want to go and how. my characters are soo surreal that i swear i want to be friends with them! i am proud of myself :)
but wait for the punch line... i'm still stuck on how to start... i still dont know how to make everything flow.... someone help me!!

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

friendship really?

i've always, always treated friendship as another close branch of my family. and anyone who knows me know that i dont just let anyone in easily. but once i do, i will be loyal and supporting and everything i am.
But i thought it was a two way streak....

Saturday, April 21, 2012

What is it all about?

Jumping straight ahead...

Creative writing have always been a guilty pleasure of mine. Over the years i have written more than a dozen stories or even more than i can keep up with. New ideas just pop in my head and i follow the string that leads me to a whole more different ideas.
Although i cherish each and every one of my stories, the adventures they have taken me, (characters are like my babies)... I have one major BLOCK! and that would be.... -I have NOT finished any- i unfortunately had never had the pleasure of ever writing the two magical words that zips together a whole story-line, "The End" is just far far away from my pages.

Sooo.... i thought... this blog could help me motivate and finish even a very short story! I'll keep updating what's the happs. It would help me to stay on track. My own personal journal.
And now you all can get a peak of it!

Plus i'll also be posting day to day of the happs in my life. You have no idea how epic and failure it is that IT IS FUNNY! A living proof that LIFE have a very twisted sense of humor!


hey bloggers!

as i just recently discovered... apparently many years ago i decided to make a blog. Two or three years jump to the current present time, i am  making my FIRST blog .

So i just want to officially welcome you all to my page/blog. It will be great to allow you all to get to know me a little bit or a lot.